The Inbox Magazine on Astronomy News, Sky Events, and Astronomy in Everyday Life
A twice-monthly newsletter that began May 2021, and that:
* brings the most interesting news stories (This Just In) which connect to the current night sky,
* contains a textual and visual two-week Sky Planning Calendar, using the Moon’s wanderings to find the planets and other objects, notes on the Planets and events,
* our astronomical horoscope musings, Border Crossings,
* Observing — Plan-et covers the Solar System happenings in the sky,
* For the Future–upcoming events you should be aware of,
* and the quirky findings of Astronomy in Everyday Life.
The Galactic Times also offers other occasional features and articles including travel stories with an astronomical bent, software information, and other things…the universe is vast…..
Many stories come from the latest news in world astronomy conferences and journals. All the stories are authoritatively written by astronomer, journalist and educator Dr. Larry Krumenaker.
Use the menus above to explore past issues, and a subject matter index. Sign up for The Galactic Times to be sent straight to your email inbox twice a month, for FREE! But for a higher level of reading, Subscribe for $30 per year and get extra articles and other benefits! For free sample readings on the Web, for more information and, well, just to subscribe, click here.
The Latest Six Issues: (click here to go to All Posts)
- TGT #25E – A Partially Shy Sun – Venus in the Evening AND Morning – A Constellation in Georgia – No Rings, Many MoonsTGT 3/16/25: SPC–Evening Sky Loses 3 Planets, But Venus is in the Evening AND Morning; A Partial Solar Eclipse; Astronomy in Everyday Life–Georgia on my…Universe?; TJI-Saturn, + Moons, – Rings.
- TGT #25D – NEO Resources – Planets Come and Go – The Moon’s Tilted Orbit – A Total Lunar Eclipse to View and Teach WithTGT 3/1/25: TJI–What’s the Deal with 2024 YR4’s Crashing to Earth?; SPC–Mercury Almost Meets Venus Before BothVanish, Jupiter Helps Show Moon’s Orbital Tilt; TCA–3/14 Lunar Eclipse; AEL–Physics!
- TGT #25C – The Star Cluster the Sun is In – Astronomical Teachniques – Finding the EclipticTGT 2/15/25: Sky Planning Calendar: Using the Planets to Find the Sun’s Sky Path; TCA: Three Kinds of Demonstrations for Astronomy Education; This Just In: The Ursa Major Group
- TGT #25B – Finding Earth 2 – A Pair of Crescents – Feb. 6th Anniversary – Moon Activity for UK National Astronomy Week –TGT 2/1/25: This Just In–Habitable World Observatory Plans, Checklist for Finding Earths; TCA–Chasing the Moon; Calendar–Crescents Venus and Moon; AEL–Holes in Two.
- TGT #25A – Meteor Hits Canada – Looking for Planets Like Us – Bucket Lists – Sky Event CalendarTGT 1/17/25: TCA–Mars Occultation and Bucket Lists; This Just In–Meteor Strike Recorded on Camera; Odds of an Earth or Jupiter Around M-dwarfs; Sky Planning Calendar–Comet! Look QUICK or Go South!!
- TGT #24W- When Does The Year Actually End? – Start of the Year Moongazing, & More!TGT 12/15/24: Sky Planning Calendar–Moon Passes Every Evening Planet, or Covers It (Hello, Mars, Bye, Mars!), Ditto Seven Sisters; Deeper Looks–The New Year is Not When You Think (Yikes!)
Podcast: Hear about the astronomy from the people who make the discoveries.
Looking for The Galactic Times Podcast? It has ceased broadcasting, regrettably, but you can still hear its ten intriguing episodes on the legacy pages in the menu at the top of the page!